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Writer's pictureAshley Diaz

Ron Desantis Candidacy

Governor Ron DeSantis has started his presidential campaign as of May 24, 2023. He began with a glitchy twitter launch and spreading his goals for the United States in Iowa. 

To start his campaign for presidency, Ron DeSantis did a twitter launch with Elon Musk. According to Steve Peoples, Adriana Gomez Licon and Anthony Izaguirre, DeSantis’ twitter launch was a failure, but the members of Desantis’ campaign have stated they had raised $1 million. In Iowa, DeSantis stated his goals to revive America’s Greatness. 


“DeSantis, who launched his campaign in a glitch-plagued virtual forum on Twitter last week, has now turned to old-school politicking, beginning with two days in Iowa and then on to New Hampshire and South Carolina on a tour that will be closely watched to see if the buttoned-down, policy-minded governor can flash interpersonal skills that some critics have said he lacks,” James Oliphant said. 

Trump was DeSantis’ mentor, people say DeSantis lacks the charisma to do surprise public appearances, so why is DeSantis a threat to Trump’s candidacy?  Peoples, Licon and Izaguirre, said, DeSantis may not think quickly on his feet, but he can speak about policies in great detail compared to other candidates. DeSantis is also more credible at the moment compared to Trump because of the many bills he has signed and the planned public appearances to control his image to the public. 

“DeSantis, who likely would not have become the Florida governor without Trump’s endorsement, has adopted the former president’s fiery personality, his populist policies and even some of his rhetoric and mannerisms,” Peoples, Licon and Izaguirre, said. 

According to Shane Goldmacher and Nocholas Nehamas, the first event to DeSantis’ campaign at the Eternity Church shows that DeSantis respects Christian voters and what they believe in. DeSantis is relying on evangelical votes due to him getting more popular negatively. His fight against Disney because they fought against his “Don’t Say Gay Bill” and the bill he signed to allow people in Florida to carry guns without permits. 


“DeSantis weaponizes the cultural wars to distract attention from the core missions of his governorship, which is to starve programs geared toward bettering the lives of ordinary citizens so he can maintain low taxes on the wealthy and corporations,” William Kleinknecht said. 

Why is Ron DeSantis focused on fighting culture wars? Publicly fighting culture wars involving Disney and any school teaching about sexual orientation, gender identity, and race, is to distract the United States from the problems Floridians are facing. This war is to distract the fact that Florida is one of the lowest in wages, education, but has one of the highest living costs, and many more issues. The culture wars are to make DeSantis a more possible candidate for presidency over Trump in the 2024 election. 

“What he did in his state- cloak his service to the wealthy by frightening working people with stories about transgender recruiting and socialist college professors,” William Kleinknecht said.

Ron DeSantis has started his campaign for presidency and is fighting heavily against Trump for the chance to be chosen.

*Originally posted on Standpoint News, Summer 2023

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